About us

Align the present moment towards your future brand.

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You wish to connect to your audience on a human-level. We are the people you turn to. Through compelling, show-stopping ideas, we help you stand out from a crowded marketplace.

We understand wellness. As change makers and wellness warriors, our mission is to make the planet a better place to live – now and for future generations.

Our clients vary in the multi-dimensional areas of wellness. We work with clients in the fields of education, social / ethical causes, personal development, movement and fitness, health and wellness, beauty and fashion, and environmental wellness and sustainability.
approach and capabilities.

Our Philosophy

We believe in building brands that want to make a difference. We collaborate with our clients to bring out the best in them for their audiences.

Passion +

We believe that passion fuels action, but it’s purpose that truly drives long-term change. When a mission-led brand lives up to its purpose, the world becomes a better place. We help clarify purpose into your brand.


Innovation +

We believe in design-driven innovation and collaborate with our clients to improve and differentiate their brand. We recognise even the subtlest opportunity to do things better, with conscious intention.



Empathy is understanding people at a level of emotional truth, and recognising what matters most to them. For a brand that wishes to matter, there is no substitute for empathy.



We are inspired to improve the wellbeing of, not just people, but also, the planet. We work with brands that are conscious of their carbon footprint and create a positive impact.


Living +

A living brand has a beating heart. Brands can change, learn and adapt. In this way, they are liberated to evolve and expand. We help breathe life into your future brand.


Transparency + Authenticity

Authenticity is the defining quality of brands.  When a brand rings true, people can not only tell the difference, they can feel it. Transparency is the key to connection.

Terri Bertakis

Creative Brand Director + Designer

Terri Bertakis

Behind the idea of Future Present Branding is Founder & Creative Brand Director, Terri Bertakis.

The idea that design can make a difference and be a tool for positive change is what drives Terri to explore this field further, in a myriad of ways.

Beyond working with clients to help improve brands, Terri is a passionate yoga student + teacher. Through this avenue, she aims to offer the benefits of wellness for every-body.

Our Partners

We collaborate with extraordinary people – visionary, quirky, creative brand-builders and change-makers. Our people care as much as you do when it comes to making a positive impact.

We work with people that are suited for your unique project needs, providing you with expert talent. As individuals, we’re united by our shared passions.

Contact us to collaborate

Let us take you on a journey to design your future brand.

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Back in Focus

The Clean Yogi

The Roots Wellbeing

Occupational Therapy Helping Children

Inner West Roller Derby


In Presence Of Journal

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